Rivière du Mât Distillery’s Sustainable Journey with Actemium

Founded in 1886, Rivière du Mât is one of Réunion's (France) oldest distilleries still in operation today. In their pursuit of energy efficiency from distillation residues the Distillery built its first digester in 2011.
Thanks to Actemium’s crucial role in guiding a successful methanization and cogeneration project, the Distillery achieved a milestone in 2018 by treating 100% of vinasse, transforming into an energy-positive facility.
In 2020, a second digester was installed on site, saving up to 90% on fossil fuel consumption.
Today, over 80% of the Distillery site’s needs, including electricity and steam, are met with renewable energy. Exceeding energy consumption, the surplus is supplied to the public grid.
Actemium’s expertise seamlessly integrated methanization and cogeneration systems, positioning itself as pioneer in sustainable industrial operations and leader in renewable energy practices.
I’ve been working with Actemium for over a decade, engaging with them on local projects encompassing studies, engineering, as well as the installation of electrical cables and equipment.
Teddy Boyer
Director of the Rivière du Mât Distillery.
At the end of 2023, Actemium has signed a new contract with Rivière du Mât Distillery for the renovation of their rum cellars. Classified “ATEX”, the work involves the overall renovation of the site, and we will be carrying out the electrical work.